A few months ago
I wrote about “USA AND GUNS”. Many became fussy, many thought I was meddling
into their sovereign country’s affairs and many were not pleased by my article
on my blog while a few praised my intellect on the same. The many who fussed
and complained said, ”American needs guns.” My question therefore, was, “What
do Americans need guns for?”
The Newtown, in an Elementary School, Connecticut heart-wrenching
shooting comes after a few months of such irrational shooting that took place
during the “Dark Knight Rises” movie in Aurora.
But I want to continue to reiterate that USA needs to enact
some tough gun control laws.
And if I could meet president Barack Hussein Obama face to
face, I would tell him not to fear the politics in the gun regulations but to
bulldoze states (this might sound African but it’s what needs to be done) with
the gun regulation tough laws and it should be done now and for all so that we,
yes we, don’t continue to lose innocent lives to such heinous behaviour.
Something rattles me. Whenever there is such mass shooting,
it is always blamed on the mental illness/mental health problems/mental instability!
This to me is an excuse to continuing to own guns. By the way if the people
involved in such shooting were said to me mentally unstable, why then do they
go ahead and kill themselves after killing the mass? Where do they get the
reasoning to kill themselves to avoid facing the wrath of the law after the
act? They know better!! Do the mentally ill fear the rule of law, do they
reason that way??
As an African who has met and worked with many from America
and other parts of Europe in my homeland in the name of helping alleviate
poverty, disease and illiteracy, I also want to offer myself together with
other like-minded Africans as well as Americans to sit down and champion for
some tough gun regulation laws and say why it’s important to have them.
I can’t continue being quiet over this issue while innocent
lives are being robbed away by unscrupulous dysfunctional folks in the society.
I am therefore asking whoever is willing to join me blow
this trumpet notify me.
I have a special place preserved in my heart for the
American people. I also have very fond memories about the same and I do value
every mankind’s precious life and nobody, and I mean nobody even one with
mental problem should be allowed to take such lives.
Please, let our voices be heard at least on this.
I am sorry if this blog wouldn't ogre well with any of my readers and followers
God bless