I tried to study US and I have continued to do so even after
I returned home. For one, USA takes pride in so many things one being the
established infrastructure they have had and continues to sophisticate since
the discovery of USA by Christopher Columbus, anyway, where and what was USA
then before its discovery???
Another thing that USA continues to boast about is the
“proliferation” of guns, the freedom they continue to enjoy up to date be it
owning shoguns, hunting guns, etc. Some guns are even inherited by the
descendants in a family line. I tend to think that once one dies, a gun should
be returned or just sold back to the dealer.
Owning guns in the US hasn’t done them any good at all but
rather has brought more harm than good to the citizens by many indulging in
irrational gunshots here and there with the recent ones being the at Middle
Town close to Empire State Building, a very prominent place for tourists visit
where a gunman stealthily followed a former workmate-his boss and shot him dead-Jeffrey
Johnson is his name, two shot dead, him being one and the victim and 9 others
got injured.
Another case was the mass shooting during a new Batman film,
“The Dark Knight Rises” at Aurora where 12 people were shot dead and 58 others
wounded by a PhD student from the University of Colorado and the Wisconsin Sikh
August 2012 hate shooting (domestic terrorim) where 6 were killed on the spot
leaving 4 with injuries.
The above hasn’t been the only cases of irrational gun shootings;
I have only managed to quote just but a few of the recent ones. There have been
several others in the past in the major cities like NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago,
in schools, homesteads, other social gatherings, etc. But did you know that James
E. Holmes, the 24 year old PhD student at the University of Colorado bought a
gun, tactic gear, vest, magazine pouch and other ammunition with your own hard
earned taxes? He used to get a federal scholarship of $26,000 per year for his
The following
questions continues to linger and puzzle me and many others around the
developing countries around the globe and the US citizens and residents;
- How can one just get to a shop and buy guns and ammunition like he is buying groceries and nobody seems to question what they are going to do with the same??
- How many of such irrational killings will it take US to get serious about gun control?
I know one thing for sure that none of my friends in the US is feeling safe when walking/strolling around their towns/cities, neither is none
feeling safe attending a movie nor is any feeling safe attending a
church/temple service. And for this reason, as a layman and as a non-US
citizen/resident, I want to say that it’s high time the Religious sectors,
Human Rights institutions, Corporate bodies, Non-governmental Organizations
(NGOs) engage the US government in serious gun regulation/control policies.
What do you think of Dr. Dinesh D’Souza’s Obama’s America
2016 video trailer?
I have the following
observations to make regarding Mitt Romney’s campaign conference in Florida;
- While addressing the attendants, Mrs. Anne Romney did not touch any issue regarding Mr. Todd Akin’s “legitimate rape” something that I expected her to at least talk about.
- She seemed to talk about more of their love, without becoming sensitive of how many women in that same conference doesn't have husbands to love neither is some interested in any!
Please, I would like to hear your comments, criticisms,
corrections and your sincere opinions on this.
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